As one of the leading providers of taxi insurance, we’re here to do everything we can to provide help for taxi drivers during the coronavirus epidemic.
Here’s our quick ChoiceQuote cabbie’s guide: what every taxi driver needs to know to get through the UK’s Covid-19 lockdown as safely as possible – while staying properly insured and on the right side of the law.
Should taxi drivers be working during coronavirus?
Taxi drivers are allowed to take fares as normal during the coronavirus outbreak. But it’s impossible to follow social distancing rules while driving a taxi, so it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself, your loved ones and the public.
Rules for taxi drivers to follow:
- Try to stay two metres apart, so passengers should always sit in the back of your cab.
- Let passengers handle their own bags and belongings whenever possible.
- Always cough or sneeze into a tissue and dispose of it safely straight away.
- Use disinfectant wipes on seatbelts and door handles between fares.
- Accept card payments and pre-payments, so you’re handling cash as rarely as possible.
- Don’t touch your face.
- Keep soap and water or sanitising gel in your taxi, so you can wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, especially after touching customers’ bags and belongings.
- Never work if you have new symptoms, such as a continuous cough or high temperature.
- If you are collecting passengers from airports or train stations, it is worth checking the travel destinations of potential passengers to protect yourself from possible infection.
For more information, read the latest full Government advice.
Supporting the NHS and essential workers
We’re proud that so many taxi drivers around the UK are kindly offering to help NHS and other key workers get to and from their essential work. Needless to say, the above rules apply to these taxi journeys too.
Can I deliver items under my taxi insurance?
Many taxi insurers have temporarily extended their cover to include courier and deliveries during the coronavirus lockdown, including takeaway food, Amazon parcels, and supplies from charities and food banks. This is timely because more drivers are being asked to transport food and other items rather than people. You should check with your insurer before you start making deliveries.
If you are considering becoming a courier or delivery driver on a more permanent basis, courier insurance is recommended.
Get in touch to discuss our courier insurance policies: call 0800 440 2180
If I’m not working, can I convert my taxi insurance to cover for private use?
Most insurers are offering policy discounts for taxi drivers who aren’t working because of coronavirus. You can convert your insurance to social, domestic and pleasure (SDP) on a temporary basis, so you can save money and carry on using your vehicle for non-taxi purposes, such as shopping for essential supplies.
We do not recommend downgrading your cover if you are still carrying out taxi business, even if it’s only a couple of fares. If you’re continuing to work occasionally as a taxi driver, be sure to keep your insurance as it is. Don’t be tempted to sneak in a quick job, as your policy will be invalid.
Contact your insurance provider or get in touch with our team to discuss: call 01625 854158
Can I convert my taxi insurance – and should I?
Some taxi insurers are also providing ‘laid up’ cover, which is only an option if you’re not using your taxi at all. It only protects your cab while parked on a driveway or in the garage, and merely covers against fire or theft. Under laid up cover, you won’t be able to drive your taxi on the roads at all, so it’s not recommended if you still need your car for other reasons, such as shopping trips.
Can a taxi driver get or renew a licence during coronavirus?
Most local councils have stopped issuing and renewing licences for taxis during the coronavirus crisis, but it’s worth checking with your local authority.
For information on payments to self-employed people, visit the official Government COVID-19 business support measures.
Above all, stay safe
Whether you’re continuing to work as a taxi driver during coronavirus or waiting to get back to work when you can, you’re always welcome to contact us for more information on taxi insurance or courier insurance policies.
Get in touch on 01625 885046
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